Fantastic return to Nashoba’s Equestrian program.
We are excited to welcome back Emily Bates Post as Riding Director. Emily was last with us in 2011 and is a career horsewoman. Emily has competed on the hunter jumper circuits up through the open jumpers since she was a child. She attended Sweet Briar College in Virginia where she received her degree in Biology and an Equine Studies Certificate with a concentration in teaching and schooling. After graduation, she split her summer between working with veteran Grand Prix rider Mark Jungherr and teaching horseback riding at Camp Nashoba North. In the fall of 2011, Emily began working in Connecticut at Folly Farm as a rider and trainer, working with the IEA team and children through adults. There, she worked closely with David and Maari Wilbur refining her riding, teaching and horsemanship skills for students from the local shows through the “A” circuit. Emily has entered her fifth year of teaching high school biology and on weekends enjoys working at a local riding stable in Virginia. Emily and her dog Lulu are looking forward to being back in Maine this summer.